Ah yes, summertime. A little Ella Fitzgerald on vinyl, windows open, swinging barefoot on our porch with some sweet tea. Now that's where I want to be all day long.
Happy summer to you all. It is officially summer as of tomorrow (June 21st) and it's been a while since I posted a blog non-adoption-related. So, in lieu of the changing of seasons, I figured what the hay? Speaking of hay, has anyone suffered from hay feaver like crazy this year? I surely have. Normally I'm not much of an allergy victim, but this year I've seen my fair share of sneezes and itchy eyes.
You know what else this season is? The dads and grads season. Well, I suppose it is on its way out now, since fathers day was on Sunday. But, this season always brings about a specific pet peeve of mine that I just need to get off my chest. This is the season where people forget how to spell the word congratulations. Doesn't that bother anyone else? It's wonderful to have a graduate in the home, but let's not forget that we, too, once graduated and learned that congratulations is spelled with a "t" and not a "d" (congradulations...I mean come on!). If we really want to get creative, let's combine all three and just say condadulations. That way we knock out the congrats, the grads and the dads. Badabing!
Speaking of daduation–I mean graduation–I had the distinct pleasure of attending my neighbor's high school graduation and I couldn't be more honored to be included in the festivities. I will say, though, the speech given by her principal was odd, and that's putting it mildly. The school mascot is a falcon and his speech focussed on how he was so glad that each one of these graduates seized the opportunity to leave their cages. He even spent a great deal of time talking about how it was too bad that some students chose not to leave their cages. And how, it's true, we all must leave our cages and fly out into the great beyond. It's so important that we make the decision to leave our cages and fly beyond high school and learn new things. So, go on you graduates, leave the cage you're in. Be cage-free. Kick the cage. Go beyond the cage. Be cageless.
Wow, WOW! Okay, first of all, I may be exaggerating his use of the word "cage" but I am not exaggerating the gist of his message. Good grief Mr. Principal, did you go to the zoo too many times as a child? You do realize that cages are by no means a falcon's natural habitat. So, the analogy of all of us needing to leave our falcony cages is ridiculous. Secondly, you seem awfully bitter about some students not leaving their cages, which I can only assume means they dropped out. Perhaps you should have used a better suited phrase like: "It's really too bad that some of you fell out of your cages." That would have been more fitting.
Anyhow, it was an interesting speech, and he certainly gave it with gusto, so I have to give him credit for that. Even if it made no sense at all and even if left falcons everywhere inspired to avoid cages, especially in close proximity to this individual.
Anyone else feel a little bit snubbed by the sun? I mean, really. It's as if the sun is playing an awful trick. Like it won't come out of its cage or something. I don't know why that stunning analogy just came to me but it is the truth. The sun is in its' cage and I want to know, why won't it come out and be free!? I have strawberries green and piddly huddled under their leaves begging for sunshine to no avail. Makes me sad seeing all the potential of the luscious fruits and sunshiny fun that isn't being had, all because the sun doesn't want to play fair. Did the sun not get the memo that summer is officially tomorrow? Perhaps we should send a falcon to tell it.
Well, that's enough random musings for now. Enjoy the cloudy weather that is apparently supposed to be summer. I'll pop back in later when I am a jamming fool. Not the reggae type, more the pectin and fruit type.
I be jammin!
Just for fun, I included my college graduation photo. The poor quality is because I scanned it from an itty bitty sample given to me by the photographer on a piece of paper. Call me cheap but I didn't feel like paying $100 for a pack of wallet-sized photos consisting of me in a drape with a goofy square on my head.