Monday, December 19, 2011

Six Week Milestone...Waaaaaa!!!

Well it's Monday, which means I just finished up my ninth week of pregnancy and I'm settling into my tenth week. I don't want to jinx anything, but it's possible the morning sickness portion may be getting better. Today has been a pretty tolerable day. I don't want to simultaneously scarf a pizza and throw it up, so I think that's a pretty good sign!

This morning sickness is for the birds. No, I haven't had the violent vomiting–thank goodness–but I have had this combination of always being hungry and always be nauseous. And the scale tips closer the the nausea side the more hungry I get. It's an endless battle and one I have taken upon myself to whine and mope about to my husband daily. I'm sure he's tired of my moaning, but I feel that since I'm the one with the baby growing in me and the birth to look forward to, while he just gets to kick back and be daddy-o with not so much as a mere broken finger or two during labor, I get the right to whine if I want to! :)

I've determined, after my highly scientific study, that there is a distinct reason why God designed it so that you could not both be pregnant and have a newborn naturally. The smells of Desitin and formula might as well be sewage or moldy cabbage. Even certain lotions must be avoided or I get the gag reflex working. I find myself in the middle of the night burping Lamaya while also leaning away trying to find my happy place to keep the room and my stomach from spinning. Oh, what an adventure!

Heading into my 10th week also means that Lamaya is six weeks old now. My little girl is almost all grown up. Before I know it we will be picking out a prom dress, locking her up in her room to prevent any males from seeing her beautiful little face until she is at least 35, graduating high school, walking her down the aisle.... I need a tissue. Okay, so maybe I have just a wee bit of time until then, but it sure seems crazy to me that she is already six weeks.

The funny, or not so funny, thing about six weeks is that Lamaya's pediatrician made sure to clue me in on a little milestone we will hit at this stage. It's called the, "Every six week baby cries, on average, three hours per day." Oh yes, and like clockwork, she is dusting off those lungs and whaling like it's going out of style. And, like everything else, she is above average with this milestone. Last night was our first treat into the six week milestone. Every half hour she wanted to make sure we were still in the house, or at least within earshot–so, basically, within a 5-mile radius. I took the late night shift, which ended around 2 am and didn't sleep but maybe 45 minutes. Tim took the early morning shift, which ramped up shortly after mine ended and he was up nearly every 30 minutes. I got to thinking that maybe she just wants us to exercise with all this getting up and down. I'd prefer she focus her efforts during the daytime, but it's awfully sweet of her to be thinking about our health.

And boy does that baby girl got some l-u-n-g-s on her. Sure, she has cried here and there since we picked her up, but not the kind that I can hear through floor upstairs while Tim is rocking her and trying to calm her. I swear I felt the floor shake a little.

So, you know, we are trying to learn new ways to comfort her. The old go-to's are SO last week to her now. This is some adventure we are on. I think, for Christmas, all I want is just a bag of magical sleep dust. Where I can sprinkle it over me and it's like I slept the whole night. That would be marvelous.

Keeping it real in mommyhood,


Monday, December 12, 2011

Mommy Blog - Day 31

Well, the time has come.

We've kept this "under wraps" for as long as possible. And we have done one terrible job of it, so this probably isn't even news for many of you.

The night we were packing to pick up Lamaya I decided to take a test. Oh, yes, a test! Not the SAT test. Not a personality test. Not a "Which Disney Princess Are You?" test. A pregnancy test. And, wouldn't you know it....

I've heard the stories of bringing home your adopted baby and a few weeks or months later, badabing! But, I have not yet heard of the simultaneous babies business. Yes, we were and continue to freak out a bit. For those of you who are trying to calculate, welcome to the club. I've heard conflicting stories as to how far along I am, though I'm sure my ultrasound in a few weeks will help solve the mystery. My fertility specialist doctor has calculated me to be in my ninth week at this time. We were able to see the heartbeat on an internal ultrasound on December 2nd, which was SUCH a blessing. It meant that our pregnancy is a healthy one and our chances of miscarrying have dropped to less than 5%.

So, pretty amazing eh? I suppose I should have backed off a wee bit on the prayers for a baby. :) No, no, we are absolutely thrilled and it's so evident that this is exactly how God planned it and here's why:

Lamaya was born 4 weeks early. On the day we received the phone call that we had been matched, we had already had a discussion that morning about what we would do if we became pregnant. We had come to a decision that we would put our file on hold if we became pregnant and saw the heartbeat in an ultrasound. If we became pregnant and it was really early on–too early to see the heartbeat–we would keep our names on the adoption wait list.

So, if Lamaya had been born late, or even on time, we would have more than likely pulled our names from the wait list because we would have seen the heartbeat in an ultrasound. Talk about perfect timing! It makes this whole process very special to know that God is up there smiling down on us and blessing us left and right.

I am very excited to begin blogging about the joys (and hardships) of being both pregnant and having a newborn, but I really just wanted to get this bit of good news out there.

Nothing like going from zero children to two children in less than a year! They will be 8 1/2 months apart and likely in the same grade at school. How fun!

No, we're not having twins. Whew.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stationery card

Vintage Snapshots Christmas Card
Make a statement with personalized Christmas cards at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Mommy Blog - Let's call this... day 24

Alright. Epic fail on updating the blog right away after returning home. It's been a little busy adjusting, but I suppose that goes without saying.

I've been a momma for 24 days now. That's amazing to me, because it's already flying by so fast. This whole life-change business is quite an ordeal. I'm certain I've never seen my home so messy, but I've probably also never cared less. It seems so simple, you know? Lamaya needs to eat, we feed her. Lamaya needs a diaper change, we change her. Lamaya need to burp, we burp her. Lamaya needs to fall aslep, she falls asleep. So, then, why does it seem to turn our world upside down? Because it really isn't that easy.

I'm learning more and more about the tricks of trying to get Lamaya to fall asleep, to eat all of her bottle, to stay awake more during the day. She has been pretty easy on us as newbies. She has allowed us to experience victories, which seem small in the scope of, oh say life, but they are huge to us. Getting up before 8 am, getting dressed and getting makeup on my face this morning was a serious accomplishment. I felt proud walking out the door this morning feeling like only good things could happen today because, by golly, I have clean clothes on, hair done and makeup on. I'm learning to celebrate these mini-victories, because the big ones I keep saying I "have to get done" that continue to be undone can really get me down. I really need to fix the Christmas lights on our outside post. Half of them are not lit up. I have to balance our budget from last month. It's making this month an impossibility to balance. I have to vacuum and dust downstairs because we will soon be living in the Munsters house if I don't. I have to help my mom finish up the third floor project we started months ago. I have to finish the laundry.

And, the best answer I can say to all these things is: Maybe tomorrow....

Ah well, the joy of motherhood. One giant balancing act. I feel like I don't have the right to say things like, "the joy of motherhood" since I am still very much so a rookie and have no idea what it's like to be a seasoned mom. I, especially, feel like we have this whole parenthood thing very easy considering we have oodles of help.

One of my favorite transitions in all of this, besides watching Tim become a daddy, has been watching my dad become a grandpa. Never before has the earth stood still like it does when Lamaya is in need of anything, even simply being held or burping. Grandpa is eager to jump in and take on the task of spending time with his granddaughter. Work? What work? TV? What TV? Grandpa has Lamaya and that's all that really matters. It's pretty neat.

Well, Lamaya's progress is pretty standard. I swear she is nearly walking and talking. Probably will know her alphabet tomorrow. Okay, I may be getting slightly carried away, but she's mastered drinking a bottle down! And, she is one heck of a head-lifter. She is even attempting to use her leg muscles to stand on me a little. So, it's pretty safe to say she will be a child prodigy. Maybe, MAYBE I might be a little biased.

So, that's all from the new mommy today. More to come for sure. Enjoy the frosty mornings!