An update is long overdue, but part of my hesitation is just that there isn't much to say. It would be dull to post weekly: "We're still waiting." So, today I bring some FUN and EXCITING news!
Since I knew a blog update was overdue, I fired off a, as my mom would say, "kick the can down the road" kind of email. I danced around the issue indecisively in my email, but what I really wanted to know was if our family book had been viewed by any mothers. The last time I checked in with her was in January and she had said 8-9 mothers were about ready to make their decision on a family. Of those 8-9 mothers, several of them have transitioned out of the program and have decided to parent their child, which is great news! I always have to celebrate when a mother decides to keep and love their child, even if that pushes out our "due date" further.
But beyond that, here was her response (get ready, because I was seriously so excited I nearly fell out of my chair with glee...yes, if you are wondering, my hopes are already sue me)
From our rep at An Open Door (adoption agency):
"I just told a caseworker to show your book to birth mother expecting a baby girl on April 25th."
Wow. WOW! So, this blog has two-fold purpose. One purpose is to spread that tid-bit of fun news, keeping in mind that she could very well not choose us and that's completely fine, but if she does...oh man oh man. And two, I figure, why not call in the "troops" and start praying for this mother like ugly on an ape! Regardless if this mother chooses us, she has a big decision ahead of her in the coming week or two. So, I urge you, throw up a prayer for her right now! I mean... put down the sandwich, burger, celery, pie or twinkie and say a quick prayer!! Okay, don't do it if you are driving. And STOP READING THIS BLOG if you are driving. I know, I's SO amazing you just can't wait to read it, but if you must read it at least safely pull over. (haha, oh what a funny image that brings to mind. I highly doubt people flock to their computers to read my little blurbs)
So, now that I've given the commission to prayer for this mother, I must tell you a little about how it feels. I think, at least for me, it gives just a little glimpse of the joy and excitement that will come when we get that actual phone call to say we have a mother who has selected us. Just a small little taste of the joy that comes when I envision holding a pregnancy stick with a "+" on it. I've had a few people tell me not to get my hopes up. Well, the truth is, why not? I'll be disappointed if we don't get select, for sure, but that I get to ride this wave of emotion is spectacular! It's the first time that the emotional connection has really been made to this process. All along I have felt passion, but never deep-belly, tingle-toes joy like I did when I thought about the possibility of April 25th. So, this has been special for me. I know it may be fleeting and may just be a little blessing I get to experience for just a few days, but boy am I thankful.
A gal in my small group at church said last night that her son was asking about a friend of hers who they had prayed would have a baby and now she was going to have one and her son said, "Mommy, did you and daddy pray for a baby, too?" And she responded, "Yes, honey, of course we did." And her son says,"Did you get one?" And she says, "Yes, honey we did." And he says..."What's the baby's name?" Of course she laughed but as soon as she told him that the baby's name was his name he lit up like a Christmas tree. That idea of being wanted, desired and anticipated just can't be beat. So, all I want to say in closing is that little baby Ainley, wherever you are, you are wanted, desired and highly anticipated. We just cannot wait until the day we get to hold you for the first time. It's breathtaking thinking about it.
Thanks for tuning into my blather about all things adoption and other random oddities. Having so many of you talk with me in person about things I have written in my blog really fills my heart with joy. It makes me realize that I'm not alone and that there are people out there who care about this journey. I so appreciate all the love and support we have received. It is certainly not lost on me.
As a quick aside, speaking of people "out there", I was looking at my blog's information and I noticed that I have a few views from China and Australia. If that's you, thanks for tuning in!
Gooday Mates & 再见,
PS - I cut my hair (thanks to inspiration from my friend Kymmi!)

:) Friend I am so excited for you and I am so glad you are experiencing JOY in this process of waiting and adoption even before baby Ainley is in your arms. :) Love you
ReplyDeleteYou look hot.
ReplyDeleteI'm praying and anticipating with you!!
ReplyDeletewe are so excited and will pray hard for God's timing...can't wait to hear the news when it comes. and you write such fun blog entries...