Whenever I go to the eye doctor, the same story from my childhood comes rolling back. Yes, I'm guilty. Of what? Of lying during my eye exam when I was in third grade just so that I could get glasses. Let's just say it wasn't one of my prouder moments in life, but I sure get a good laugh thinking about it now.
What's even better is that I didn't reveal my dirty little secret until I was in college at dinner with my family. To my parents' astonishment, they learned that their daughter had lied to get glasses. I grinned sheepishly at the table, but they had a bone to pick with me. After all, glasses aren't free, nor are they cheap.
So, I'm sorry parents for lying way back when. But you have to admit it's a good story.
This was my first time to the eye doctor in five years, so this would be the first time I was footing the bill for the exam and potential glasses. So, you'd better believe I gave it all I had to see even the smallest lines. No fibbing here.
He said my vision is great, just need some very mild reading glasses. We had one hoot of a time, though. Best time I've had at the doctor's possibly ever. I highly recommend the doctor buddy system.
Just for your viewing pleasure I brought home a souvenir. Photos of the inside of my eyeballs! I don't know about you but I get a very "Innerspace" (Meg Ryan and Dennis Quaid) vibe from the photos. "Twistin', Twistin', Twistin' the night away..."
(Note: The black carwash-like phalanges are my eyelashes.)

Love the Innerspace/Twistin the Night Away reference. :)